When and Why to Schedule Termite Inspections for Your Home
Did you know that the summers are the period of termites? After the first rain of summer, the termites can be seen. According to the Texas A&M University, the homeowners encounter two types of termites. The first one is the worker, and the second one is the swarmer. The worker termites are about 3 – 4 mm long and have a creamy color. These termites can be seen only when the mud tube is broken. They live inside the wooden structure and damage the wood internally. The second type of termite is the swarmers. They are around 4mm long. They have brown or black color and with or without wings.
Are you wondering how often you need to get termite inspections? To make a home well-maintained, you need to hire a professional home inspection company, GreenWorks Inspections. They have experienced home inspectors who examine your home thoroughly and identify all the signs of termites. No matter whether you want to buy or sell your home. A home inspection report creates a lasting impression on the buyers. When the home is termite-free, the buyers make an offer confidently.
In this blog, we will discuss when you need to schedule a termite inspection for your home.

Importance of Getting Termite Inspection
Termites are pests that not only damage the wood structure but also cause some harmful diseases such as asthma and shortness of breath. That’s why you need to get a termite inspection to protect yourself and your family from these critical health issues. When you get a pre-inspection to enlist your home in the real estate market, you have a chance to fix the highlighted issues to get a good offer. When you provide a termite inspection report to the buyers, they feel happy to get a neat and well-maintained home, and the result is they place a good offer. It will help close your deal in a very short period and have minimal chances to break at the last moment.
On the other hand, home inspection plays a crucial role when you need to buy a home. The home inspection report provides you with a detailed report about the current condition of a home. They inspect every part of the home and highlight all the hidden problems that you cannot see with the naked eye. The inspection report makes you confident enough to communicate with realtors or homeowners. You can negotiate on the repair and make an offer wisely. On behalf of home inspection, you can invest your hard-earned money wisely in home buying.
How Often Should you Spray your House for Termites?
Spraying the house to protect it from termites. It depends upon the condition and the infested area of your home. Therefore, getting a termite inspection annually is the best way to deeply understand the home’s current condition. In Texas, concerning termites, due to the warm and humid climate, it is a crucial part of the home inspection. It depends on several factors, such as:
Liquid Barrier
This type of barrier protects your home for up to 5 years. It requires an inspection annually to ensure that the barrier works effectively. The home inspector ensures that all the breaches of the barrier work smoothly so that termites can’t enter your home.
Bait System
This system requires frequent monitoring compared to the liquid barrier. It needs to be checked every 3 to 6 months. In Texas, the termites are so aggressive that this system needs more monitoring to ensure that it works effectively.
Annually Inspections
Despite getting any termite treatment, a termite inspection annually is necessary in Texas. It will help you detect problems early so that you can prevent yourself and your family from major problems.
Active Infestation
If your home has an active infestation, you need to get more treatment to prevent your home from major problems.
Environmental Effect
The humidity and warm weather are ideal environments for termites. Wood that comes into contact with the soil needs to be inspected during the home inspection procedure.
How to Prevent Termites in Your Home?
Termites are the main problem in the warm and humid weather in Texas. This is an ideal condition for termites, which damage wooden structures. By using these steps, you can protect your wood structure from termites.
Put Your Wooden Structure up From the Soil
In the wet environment, termites are attracted to woods that are connected to the soil. In this scenario, home inspectors ensure that all wooden items are safe so that the termites cannot damage the wooden structure.
Tips to Prevent Your Wooden Structure
Place your wooden items on concrete or a metal sheet. This will protect them from termites’ attacks. Elevate your wooden items so that none of the pieces of wood are directly connected to the soil.
Control Moisture Level in Your Home
A high moisture level provides the ideal environment for termites. Therefore, you need to maintain the moisture level in your home. Proper ventilation plays a crucial role in maintaining indoor moisture.
Tip to Prevent High Moisture Levels in Your Home
Make sure that your water pipes do not have cracks. This is the main reason that they increase the humidity in your home and provide a sufficient environment for termites.
Final words
If you want to protect your home from termites, you need to get a home inspection from a certified company. Professional home inspectors identify all the signs that can provide a sufficient condition for termites. In this scenario, we strongly recommend you get a home inspection from GreenWorks Inspections at least once a year.